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Rabu, 23 Mac 2016


The two tasks where given to us to do for our Introduction to the Entrepreneurship assignment. First, we describe about the nine entrepreneurial traits that an entrepreneur should possess and how it’s applied to operate their business. We also give the examples of entrepreneur that have each of the traits. On the other hand, we choose one entrepreneur that best fits with all the traits and brief biography about him. The entrepreneur is Dato Haji Ramly bin Mokni. We explain how he possesses five of the traits and how this traits helps Dato haji Ramli to be successful in their ventures. For our second assignment, we did a blog to transfer our written and achieve comments from global entire. So, you can refer from this blog.

However, the first thing we should know about definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a field that involves direct business. The concept of entrepreneurship has a wide range of meaning. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship is a term often mentioned by people since ancient times until the present, because entrepreneurs are vital to national development. Many entrepreneurs contribute in development a country such as creating a new business and also offer employment opportunities in the community. Through entrepreneurship many new discoveries such as new technologies and innovation. Entrepreneurship is necessary learned by all parties, because studying entrepreneurship can bear a wide range of additional benefits.

Entrepreneurs can be defined with a range between the definition of an entrepreneur is an individual who is working on an enterprise. Entrepreneurs can also be defined as someone who worked on the enterprise up to succeed with motifs to obtain profits from that business as well as often adopt strategic practices to succeed. On the one extreme an entrepreneur is a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change, on the other extreme of definitions, anyone who wants to work for him or herself considered to be entrepreneur.

The world   entrepreneur originates from the French world, entrepreneur, which means “to undertake”.  Entrepreneur means a person undertaking a business up to succeed with profit motive in addition to adopting strategic practices to continue to succeed. The entrepreneur is essentially someone who works in the business world with naming itself as entrepreneurs. In this case, each entrepreneur has nine characteristics among them over the network; open minded, loyal, visionary, failure is an option, open culture, results-oriented, team-oriented and proactive (Hirsrich and Peter, 2002).

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